Thursday, June 29, 2017


The wind has remained steady all day; pretty much the same as the last few days. The wave heights are growing accordingly with the largest ones approaching 4 meters now. It's funny, just after I wrote that things are mostly the same, it appears to be kicking up some and I'm getting tossed around a bit more. I know this because things that previously stayed in place all day are now being thrown across the salon. That means it's probably time to put in a second reef in the main and genny if it persists.
Currently averaging over 9 kn on a broad reach. The course is 106° magnetic and I am 220 nautical miles from the Straits of Gibraltar. The sun will set in about 30 minutes and I can already feel the temperature starting to drop. By time the sun sets tomorrow I may be able to see "the Rock" of Gibraltar. Passing that will officially mark the end of this transatlantic journey.
I'm getting very anxious to wrap up this adventure as I have met/survived all the challenges I was seeking. Hopefully I'm not jinxing myself as I still have a week of sailing before I'm done and the Straits of Gibraltar are always very busy so remaining vigilant is key.
Today I read Grisham's Sycamore Row. I've been mostly reading non-fiction so it's been a nice change of pace. Yes, I read the whole book today; it's been a long time since I've devoured a book in one day; feels very satisfying.

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