Friday, June 23, 2017


I rec'd a call on the VHF asking for assistance from a solo sailor that was behind me a bit saying he is out of fuel and trying to get into Horta but with no wind (and what little there is is directly on the nose) it could be a long day for him. The boat is Shalom, a 22 ft sloop. Yes, that's not a typo, 22 feet long. It's a German boat but coming from the Bahamas. 33 days since he left. Fortunately for him he knew my weak spot and offered to buy me a drink if I'd turn around and assist him. Otherwise, who knows what I would have done :-)
And as some may recall, I have some gasoline on board, which is what he was looking for. Kismet.


  1. It's a good thing the gas tank in the navigator wasn't five gallons larger, aye? That guy would still be sittin' there.

  2. Oh so true. I gave him the very last of the gasoline onboard other than what remained in the tank of the dinghy. However, his preference was for me to tow him to Horta. I've heard of too many problems in towing. I want no part of that while there are better options available.
