Tuesday, January 17, 2017

morning - Day 8

The skies were a bit dark with clouds this morning at dawn but now that the sun is rising it looks like it will be a beautiful day once again.
Our wind slowly fizzled out overnight leaving us with about 5 knots of VMG at daybreak. It's picked up a bit in the hour since then so we're at 6.5 knots now.
As usual, I'm hoping for a bit more. Our weather routing software shows we should have more wind coming our way but also with an unfavorable shift to be more easterly.
We will adjust accordingly.
1790 miles to go.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Greg, I just got caught up on your blog. Some great pics and stories of your journey. I'm going to do my wind dance today at the office. You remember what an office looks like, right ;-).
