Thursday, July 6, 2017

Tilley hat

A big thanks to Wes Patterson who replaced my Tilley hat after I lost my prior one on a BVI trip we were on. I was pretty crushed when we couldn't find it after circling for awhile because it had a lot of "experience", aka character. He surprised me with a brand new one a few weeks after our trip of which I was very grateful but it lacked that lived-in look. Well, I can now report that the new one has gotten a lot of experience this year. It has fallen in the drink (& been rescued) 8 times so far. Hopefully this one is a lifer!
On a related note, Antoine lost his hat overboard near Barbados. I promptly turned the boat around to rescue it even though he said not to bother because he wasn't enamored with the hat. I told him, "you don't understand, it's a matter of principle" :-)


  1. A hat lost at sea is a sad state of affairs. I still like to think that my rugby club colours are still floating around somewhere, waiting to be brought ashore. It's been 25 years now...

  2. Yes, I feel the same about my old hat that was lost at sea. It was designed with floatation in it and i had money in it with a statement of reward for its return. I'm still hoping...

  3. I wish 17 year old me had that foresight. And enough money to do that.
