Monday, July 3, 2017


Happy 4th of July everyone! Except any of you British that might be reading this, well, I've got separate sentiments for all of you :-)
By random chance, Ray Charles' America the Beautiful was the 2nd song that played this morning, how appropriate. I still remember his awesome performance that Sal & I went to at the Meadowbrook Outdoor Music Theater in Rochester, Michigan. I'm glad we took the opportunity to see one of the greats. What a performer!
As I sail (well, motor-sail actually) along the south Spanish coast at daybreak on this beautiful blue-sky morning, I'm so grateful for all the Freedoms we have. So many people paid the ultimate price for us to be where we are today, it's worth taking a (very) long moment to reflect on that sacrifice. And also a great day to renew our commitment to do our part to continue to make it better. Voting in every election should be every US citizen's minimum commitment. While I've voted in almost all presidential elections, I myself have represented very poorly in state & local elections so I should be holding my tongue on my disappointment in our elected officials. Every candidate that didn't get elected is potentially a rational voice missing from discussions. I renew my commitment today.
I hope everyone has a great celebration today; I suspect mine will be somewhat subdued over here as I anticipate their fireworks displays will be underwhelming:-) and I hope I don't upset someone when I shoot off all my aerial flares as part of my own celebration.
Happy 4th!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Fourth. You're lookin' good. Your Mom and I are looking forward to a re-union real soon. Great weather here today. Fireworks tonight should be great if last night was any indicator. I don't suppose you've found any real wind yet. Lot's of people here cheering you on. From here it looks like about 250 NM. Drive safe and stay awake;-)
