Sunday, January 15, 2017

on watch

It's coming up on midnight here locally and I'm on watch. I zoomed in the chart plotter (position display) to find, lo and behold, another boat is only five miles off! It's a bit of a surprise since we are out here 500 miles off the coast of Africa and the closest point of land is in the Cape Verde islands over 100 miles away. This boat is not a rally participant. It might be curious to look them up on google but, alas, I won't have that ability for two weeks :-)
It's most certainly another catamaran sailboat as its data shows it's 6 meters wide (beam) and 11 meters long.
They're the little blue sailboat icon, we're the larger icon. Also of note is the yellow arrow superimposed over our boat icon; that's the current wind direction.
Waiting on a status from Sal of the Cowboys playoff game back in the States. Go 'boys! I heard my Pats beat the Seahawks soundly last night. So all is well in the world. G'night.

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