Sunday, April 16, 2017

the turn

We just made the turn at Northeast Point of Acklins Island to put us on a course of 316M. This tack let's the boat take advantage of these big following (4m) seas by surfing down them, albeit at an angle of about 45 degrees. We had some of these the last couple of days of the crossing where a 15 foot breaking wave would overtake the boat from behind and the buoyancy of the stern of the boat would lift the boat in time with the wave and we would gently surf down the wave as it rolled underneath us.
FYI: It's amazingly difficult to take a picture of waves that make them look any different than what you see at your local lake.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it frustrating how small waves look in photos? I found video shows them a little better but the viewer really doesn't get a true impression. I know what these would look/feel like but even I can't see it in the photo. But us sailors know!
