Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Back onboard

Upon my return to Tortola, I found the boat in the exact same condition I left it with the exception of lots of growth on the bottom of the hull. I hopped in the dinghy and motored over to a dock near a grocery store and grabbed a few provisions I cast off from Roadtown at 12:15 after paying BVI Yacht Charters $500 for the slip for the month. I made it to Soper's Hole by 2:00 to clear out with Customs and immigration. I noticed along the way the boat was slow due to all the growth so I stopped at White Bay and had a painkiller before spending two hours scrubbing the bottom. Hopefully the added speed over the next few weeks will more than make up for the time spent.
There was very little wind as I departed the BVis to the northwest of Jost Van Dyke.
Shortly after darkness fell a full moon came up behind some heavy clouds and just an odd shaped orange brilliance showed through. I couldn't even figure out what it was at first. A bit later that cloud Bank overtook me and brought a wind shift, rain downpour & lightning. Another cloud front is behind me again, this time backlit by the moon in white.

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