Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Nose dive

Is anyone watching America's Cup? The Kiwi's are up 3-1 against the Brits but suffered their only loss against them when they buried the tips of their hulls and went over today. I find it very watchable compared to the "old days".


  1. Very watchable but not on US tv. I need to figure out the app so I can watch it live.

  2. Where is the race in relation to you? Are you tied up there at Banjo Island?

    1. I was in the north at St Georges Harbor as it was closer to the airport for Doug & Geoff. I rented a scooter to get to the other end of the island. No small feat by the way. I believe it took about an hour to get from one end of the island to the other when traveling at the speed limit.

  3. Can't watch it here without paying even more to our provider. Not good viewing for a Brit though. We looked so good before Bermuda but don't look likely to be in the Cup.
