Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there! Being so far away from my family on this day makes me reflect even deeper than I normally would on how important my family is to me. I received a beautiful card from Paige, Drew & Lucas with a note from each of them. It brought tears to my eyes. I couldn't ask for three better kids; they are each so special. It's a great feeling to have raised them all to have surpassed where I was when I was their age and in some areas where I am today even though I have 30 years on them:-)
I also received a card from my wife Sallie who has been so supportive of my wild hare, boondoggle, midlife crisis, sabbatical, call it what you will. Her tolerance and continued support just reinforces how lucky I am to have her in my life and to have created our family together. I couldn't ask for a better partner.
And to my Dad, thanks for instilling a sense of adventure in me so many years ago. But more importantly, giving me the confidence in myself to prepare for and methodically attack the unknown. All those dinner table conversations that challenged me and the many answers that came from a reference book even though you probably knew the answers already were very formative. Thanks. You are one of a kind!
And HFD to my father-in-law Bill. I appreciate all the help and support you have provided when we're away from home and for your consistent and sincere support for all of my family ( even me, your SIL!, go figure)
So Happy Father's Day to all the fathers and to everyone that has a father. It's a great day to show that appreciation!
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