Here's a picture from my weather software. Red indicates 25 knots of wind. The little symbols that look like the letter "F"', indicate which way the wind will blow as well as the strength. Each full length flag on the F indicates 10 knots of wind; a half length flag indicates 5 knots. The red coloring is redundant but makes it easier to read at a glance. I'm currently located where the green marker is. The colored, dotted paths that diverge are different recommended paths based on 4 different weather models. I'll take a modified path based on other navigational concerns.
To sum it up it's going to be a windy night.
But not as windy as many years ago when my parents were hunkered down in FLA waiting on an impending hurricane; my dad's quote that I remember to this day:
"It's so windy I'm playing gospel music"
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