My track shows me turning into the wind to drop the main before entering the port of Ft Lauderdale. It was dark and a wild ride turning into the wind. Looks quite unexciting from this view though.
Before I turned into the wind, the steep swells were pushing us along nicely at about 7-8 knots and the wind felt about like 15 knots from directly behind. Pretty nice. But doing a 180 and going bow-first into the wind plus a couple knots to maintain steerageway and the wind suddenly jumped to an apparent 25 knots - that's windy. And the bows were plowing directly into about every third wave as it was quite choppy. Lots of spray went flying each time that happened. But I got the mainsail secured and promptly did another 180 and immediately relative calmness returned.
(FYI; most of the purple blobs are the radar return overlay)
That sudden mayhem & cacophony of turning into the wind is intense, isn't it? And then the sudden calm & quiet comes as a relief to the senses - especially hearing. Hope you got a good berth and a sound sleep.