The day on Thursday was rainy, squally, and gray. Later in the day the weather started to clear and we dropped anchor at Sale Cay for the night.
Friday we raised anchor at 9am and headed out for Green Turtle Cay. It was a beautiful day and we made it to Green Turtle by 6pm. We entered the harbor through a small channel of quiet water and it shortly opened up into a small basin with some moorings in the middle and numerous docks protruding out from shore. We motored along looking for a place to tie up. Near the end of the basin a small motorboat came out to greet us and we met Donny. He was super nice and had an awesome accent that strongly resembled Ted Kennedy's. He owned one of the docks and we struck a deal for $40 for the night.
We walked into the little town of New Plymouth. 
The island uses golf carts as their primary source of transportation and accordingly has narrow streets and paths connecting the buildings. Most stores are obviously converted (very) small residences. We eventually ended up at The Pineapple and had dinner. We had live music by a guy that liked to try to work up the crowd over the mic. In this case the crowd was just 20 people at the most so it seemed a bit comical. 
He said, with a grin, that he was working on making a million dollars via tips. His jar was empty so I added $5. He was really happy with that and let every know that "Gregory is in the house!"
Afterward, we started the short walk back and along the way we had a couple stop in their golf cart and gave us a lift back to Donny's.
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