The salon

My berth. Around the corner to the right is an instrument guage so I can keep an eye on the course, wind direction, etc. while I sleep.

A forward berth.

After never having to go up a mast previously, I ended up going up this mast 6 times on this trip. Fortunately I brought my climbing harness. My primary attachment is to the genaker halyard; my safety line is on the spinnaker halyard.

Pascal added a block to a reefpoint to reduce the friction. Note the use of spectra (shiny gray line) instead of a shackle. This boat uses this new type of line quite extensively as it is very lightweight and stronger than the equivalent diameter of steel.

Coming into Barcelona with the landmark "W" hotel in the background.

A great porthole pic.

Masts at sunset

A race boat designed for two-handed around the world sailing sitting at the dock in Barcelona.

Scopa! (sweep)
Nico taught Carlos & I the Italian card game, Scopa.

Sculling in the Barcelona harbor.

Nico at the helm taking us out of Barcelona.

A stowaway posing for a picture.

We marked the main halyard position for reefs 1, 2, and 3 by seizing it. Here the 3rd reef position is marked with 3 stripes on the halyard; also note that the 3rd reef line (red) is taught. 1st reef is green; 2nd is yellow; third is red.

Taking a snooze.

Plotting a course.

Reading "The Big Short" on the tramp while underway.

Chef Nico hard at work.

Mediterranean sea salt anyone? After several days of pounding waves, the boat is covered with a thick layer of salt.

A gorgeous sunset and a rising full moon cap off a beautiful day.